
I am in a season of stretching.  I’ve recently joined our women’s speaking team, I’ve changed my leadership role at church, I joined a new bible study from another church (I figured that was a good way to be really honest and open), and I broke up with my boyfriend.  I guess you could say, I’m a life in transition.  I’ve certainly experienced some growing pains these past few months as I desperately seek to live in the will of God.

So what am I learning?

I am learning to be content and consistent no matter my circumstances.  That sounds dramatic but actually, it’s the opposite.  I’ve been deep in the word lately and I read this week:

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Phillipians 4:11-13)

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am.  Ponder that for a moment with me.  What does that look like?

More than anything lately I find that I am in uncomfortable situations.  I’m not comfortable on stage.  It’s uncomfortable being a stranger amongst friends.  It’s awkward making new habits and routines when you break off a relationship.  It stretches me when I write to each of you and share these things.

For the first time though, I am content.  Phillipians says in humble means and prosperity, hungry or full, abundance or need but I would add to that list: single or in relationship, on stage or behind the scenes, anywhere with my fellow believers, and in leadership or as a servant (which let’s be real, being a leader requires a lot of serving as well).

The biggest challenge for me is not letting other people make me discontent.  That’s a battle for me.  Even a few weeks ago as I was having coffee with my Dad and talking about my future he started asking me questions about my next five years career wise, house wise, etc and I felt myself growing anxious thinking of all the things I needed to work on, do, strive for.  They’re all good things and continuing to grow and build is important.  However, I am completely unwilling to lose this place of contentment it has taken me twenty-eight years to find.

I am learning to be content in whatever circumstances I am.



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